Critical Writing

“Editor’s Choice: charles theonia’s Gay Heaven Is A Dance Floor But I Can’t Relax” — Bomb Magazine, March 15, 2024

“Above A Noise Floor: On Kimberly Alidio’s Teeter” Los Angeles Review of Books. Nov 21, 2023

“Collaborative Perversions & Haunted Temporalities: Revisiting "The Undead"“ — ON MIND | The Kitchen Magazine. Jul 20, 2023

“On The Pasolini Book by Stacy Szymaszek” — The Poetry Project Newsletter #269

“In All Contact There Is Contagion: Brenda Iijima interviews Rebecca Teich” The Poetry Project Newsletter #265.

“Caroline Bergvall’s Poetics of Disorientation” – The Poetry Project Newsletter #260.  

Segue Reading Series Introduction for Lonely Christopher – Don Yorty Explorations.

Creative Writing

"Edge Studies” in Tomorrow Archive. May 4, 2024. All proceeds go directly to support families in Palestine.

Invitation to Form: Epic Mix ed. Julianne Neely. Peach Magazine. Jun 2022. (order link for anthology)

“Sentences of Days and Night"s” Works and Days vol 1., Beautiful Days Press. Dec 2022.

“Friends & Lovers” Peach Mag Nov 2021.

“Enter” & “In This Roving House” The Tiny Mag. Oct 2021

“Objects” Forever Mag. July 20, 2021.

Featured Poet of the Week. Verse.Press. March 8, 2021.

from Caffeine Chronicles The Poetry Project’s House Party #8 May 7, 2020.

“Upheaval Flow” Resonance: A Nightboat Roundtable May 7, 2020.

ENTER Distāntia April 10, 2020.

“Vexed & Signed” No, Dear Issue 24: Borders. Fall 2019.

“Friends and Lovers” Footnotes: The Work of the Friends & Lovers Feminist Reading Group. November 2019.

“FIT” Beast Journal: A Journal of Queer Forms and Affects. June 2019.

“Part and Parcel”, “Is It Right To Call It A Corpse?”, “Rituals of The Season” Bomb Cyclone January 15, 2019.

“Ananimal” Summer 2017.